This course is for anyone with the desire to express their creativity through writing. Through teaching, discussion and practice you will gain an understanding of what is required to create your own work. You will:
Learn the many tools and techniques to give voice to your thoughts
Examine different genres and methods of writing
Learn about subtleties of fiction writing including romantic, mystery, science fiction, gothic and horror
Examine poetry and acquire the basic skills to create your own work
Gain cofidence in your own abilities
Individual attention will be given as well as group activity.
Materials – Simple writing equipment including a notebook or pad for each session
Handouts will be given via email
Level: Beginners
Tutor: To be confirmed
Course dates: To be confirmed, subject to demand (please contact the Adult Community Learning Administrator if you are interested in this subject: / 01432 365550)
Study mode: Tuesday or Wednesday evenings
Venue: Hereford Campus, Folly Lane, Hereford, HR1 1LS
No previous experience required; just an enquiring mind and desire to create.