Full-Time & A Level Courses

Biology A Level

Level 3

Course code: AG3370K
Type: Full Time, A Level & T Level > A Level
Duration: 2 years
Subject area: A Levels,Sciences
Location: Ludlow
No fee information available
A Level Biology & Chemistry

About the course

Biology is a complex and broad science suited to those with an interest in living organisms, how they work and how they interact with their environment. A popular subject, Biology will appeal to those who enjoy practical science, creative thinking and problem solving. It provides a solid foundation for further studies in a huge range of scientific fields including biotechnology, veterinary science, medicine and biomedical science. It is a good choice if you are aiming at one of the very competitive leading universities.

Why choose us

This is an exciting and demanding subject that is delivered in an innovative and dynamic way. Use of new, well-equipped laboratories. One-to-one support from experienced lecturers. IT support including VLE and Smart Boards. 100% pass rate since 2019.

What you could do next

Biology is considered a facilitating subject and is highly regarded by top universities. It can lead to a wide range of university courses including Biochemistry, Conservation, Dentistry, Ecology, Marine Biology, Medicine, Neuroscience, Nursing, Optometry, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Sports Science and Veterinary Science.

Popular modules

  • Mass transport and gas exchange in organisms

  • Physiology in animals and plants

Assessment methods

Assessment will be via 3 written exams plus a practical assessment

Entry requirements

A minimum of 5 GCSEs at grade 4 (grade C) or above including a grade 5 (grade B) in maths and grade 5 (grade B) in Science; grade 6 in maths and Science preferred.