College Closure
Herefordshire College open as normal
Herefordshire College open as normal Tuesday 12th March 2024


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All schools and colleges are regularly inspected by Ofsted to ensure that they are providing an acceptable standard of education to their students. 

Ofsted has awarded Herefordshire, Ludlow & North Shropshire College group the overall standard of ‘Good’, with attitudes and behaviours of students, apprentices and staff praised as ‘Outstanding’ (October 2022 report). 

Inspectors described how learners ‘value the opportunity to train in well-equipped and safe workshops’ and ‘benefit from a broad and rich curriculum that closely reflects the skills needs of local, regional and national economies.’  

Teachers are described as ‘highly qualified industry experts’ who ‘ensure the curriculum is up to date and linked well to industry areas.’ 

Inspectors highlighted the colleges’ positive culture. Students’ attitudes and behaviour in lessons and around campuses were described as ‘exemplary’, with inspectors noting that they are ‘very positive towards their learning’, ‘take pride in their college’ and ‘demonstrate high levels of motivation’. 

The report, based on an inspection carried out in October 2022, also praised safeguarding and support services, which allow learners ‘to feel welcome, safe and secure at all college sites.’ 

Visit the Ofsted site to read the full report and more. 

people outside sitting in groups talking to each other