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Welcome to Ludlow Sixth Form College

White Ludlow Sixth Form College logo on a transparent background

Welcome to Ludlow Sixth Form College

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We're proud of our exceptionally long history of providing high quality academic education

Ludlow Sixth Form College are proud of the many students who have gone on to achieve outstanding results at the country’s best universities. 

Currently ranked 10th out of 290 A Level providers in the country, we offer all the  ‘facilitating’ subjects favoured by the UK’s elite Russell Group universities. 

A friendly and thriving community of experienced, well-educated academic staff, we are fully committed to your success. And by offering small class sizes, we are able to provide an exceptionally high level of individual support to help you realise your potential. 

We are the only college in the area to offer a timetable suited to the demands of young people living in our rural community, who often face long daily journeys.  

You’ll learn in a range of superb buildings, which date from the Middle Ages to the 21st century and which have undergone extensive improvement and development in recent years. Ludlow is a lively, buzzing market town with plenty of options for food and drink, surrounded by the beautiful countryside of south Shropshire and the Welsh Marches. 

Let us inspire and empower you to choose your next step in your educational journey.

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