Financial Support

Here you can find all the information you need about available financial support including bursary funds, grants and fee reductions

For students who start Further Education full-time courses aged between 16–18 years, there are no tuition or examination fees. 

Please note: additional costs for extras that help maximise the learning experience and which are essential to your study programme may still apply. They can include costs of essential books, equipment, specialist clothing, field trips and other learning materials or resources. 

Bursary funds

All College Bursary funds (excluding the Bursary for Vulnerable Groups) are means tested, so not every application will be successful. Please see the guideline pages of the bursary pack for eligibility criteria.  

You can download the bursary pack from this page or contact for further information or call our Bursaries team on 01432 365375. 

We allocate our funds on a first-come-first-served basis so please apply as early as possible to secure your funding. No funding will be given until you start your course and then will only be paid on the basis of satisfactory attendance, progress and behaviour.  

If you will be aged under 19 on 31st August, you may be eligible to apply for one or more of the following, depending on your circumstances: 

  • Bursary for Vulnerable Groups - a bursary of up to £1200 per college year for applicable students.
  • Discretionary Bursary - for students who need financial support to help them to stay in education or training to help with the cost of transport, accommodation for eligible courses and additional course costs.
  • Further Education Free Meals - students who meet the criteria for a free meal must apply to the 16–18 Bursary Fund and submit evidence that they or their parent/guardian is in receipt of one or more of the benefits required. 

To apply, download the application pack for the college you will be attending:

This fund is for students aged 19 and over and studying a Level 1 or 2 course, or aged 19 to 24 and studying their first Level 3 course as of 31st August.

The Fund can assist with the cost of: 

  • Childcare (if you are not eligible for Care to Learn) with a registered childminder or nursery 
  • Additional course costs such as, materials, equipment, protective clothing, field trips, exam fees 
  • Travel to and from college 
  • Accommodation for eligible courses 

To apply, download the application pack for the college you will be attending:

See also
Fee Reductions for Adults.

This fund is aimed at helping students studying at Level 3 and above who are using an Advanced Learner Loan to pay for their course fees. It can only be accessed once the Advanced Learner Loan has been awarded. 

This fund can assist with the cost of: 

  • Childcare with a registered childminder or nursery 
  • Additional course costs such as equipment, protective clothing and field trips 
  • Travel to and from college 
  • Accommodation for eligible courses. 

Read the government
information about Advanced Learner loans. 

To apply, download the application pack for the college you will be attending:

Non-College Financial Assistance

EMA is for 16-18 year olds living in Wales.  Depending on your household income you may be eligible for £ £80 a fortnight for attending all your lessons.,  

For further information visit the Student Finance Wales website. 

The WGLG is for students aged 19 or over, living in Wales.  If you are eligible, you could receive a payment of up to £1,500 a year for attending your lessons.   

For further information visit the Student Finance Wales website. 

In some circumstances adults aged 19 years and over taking certain courses may be eligible for reduced fees. Read our advice on fee reductions for adults.

There are various forms of financial support available for students in higher education, including loans and grants. 

Further help and advice

The student finance section of the ‘Student Room’ website has the latest news and advice for all students, including those going to university. 

You can also follow Student Finance England on Facebook or Twitter to take part in student finance Q&A sessions. 

A male teacher interacting with a male student in a workshop at Herefordshire College