Equality, Diversity and Accessibility

We value social and cultural diversity and aim to ensure all our colleges are inclusive and welcoming places to study.  

A learnerfocused organisation with values based on trust, integrity and respect, we seek to provide a working environment free from harassment, discrimination and victimisation.

We will not tolerate any form of discriminatory behaviour against actual or potential learners,
visitors or employees. HLNSC aims to actively promote equality of opportunity and challenge discriminatory attitudes.

HLNSC is committed to ensuring that people with disabilities are treated fairly. All reasonable adjustments to college provision will be made to ensure that students with disabilities are not substantially disadvantaged. See the page on learning support for further details or speak to our Enquiries Team on 0800 032 1986. 

HLNSC has introduced a number of adaptations to its buildings, in line with the Disability Discrimination Act (2001). This has made the colleges more accessible for all students. 

There is further information about this on the individual college campus pages: 

Herefordshire College 

Holme Lacy College

Ludlow Sixth Form College

North Shropshire College

Walford College

Equality is about fair treatment. It means treating all groups of people fairly, providing equality of opportunity and removing barriers to success. 

It’s not about treating everyone the same because different people have different needs. For example, making reasonable adjustments for disabled people removes barriers to equality of opportunity and helps prevent discrimination. Increasing our understanding of the needs of different groups of people promotes good relations between people. 

Our equality principles are: 

  • Challenging Inequality 
  • Celebrating Diversity 
  • Committed to Safeguarding 


These principles recognise and support the equality characteristics set out in the 2010 Equality Act which are: 

  • Age 
  • Disability 
  • Gender reassignment (transgender) 
  • Marriage/civil partnership 
  • Race 
  • Religion or belief 
  • Pregnancy/maternity leave 
  • Sex 
  • Sexual orientation 

Diversity is about respecting differences between individuals. People are unique and differ from one another in a range of ways. Differences may or may not be visible and may include personal characteristics such as background, culture and personality.  

We value diversity, which means that we aim to realise the individual potential of every learner or member of staff. 

HLNSC encourages everyone to participate in learning and actively combats harassment and bullying. 

These downloadable documents outline our commitment to ensuring students and staff receive the best possible treatment during their time here. 

See also; 
General Policies & Statements

If you would like any policy in braille or an alternative format, please contact our Enquiries Team on 0800 032 1986 or email enquiries@hlcollege.ac.uk. 

A teacher and a student work together on a workbook at a table.