A certificate of completion from the Institute for Apprenticeships
Various short-course industry qualifications (such as chainsaw etc.)
Apprentices can progress onto the Level 4 Arboriculturist, Level 6 (degree level) Professional Forester, Level 6 (degree level) Professional Arboriculturist courses
Suitable employment on or prior to starting the apprenticeship training progarmme.
An appropriate level of maths and English (assessed prior to apprenticeship start)
Apprentices without English or maths (at Level 2 for a Level 3 Apprenticeship or Level 1 for a Level 2 Apprenticeship) must achieve this prior to taking the End Point Assessment).
We can support you to achieve the desired level of maths and English, through functional skills taught sessions which are mandatory to attend as part of your programme (you cannot achieve your apprenticeship without the required level of maths and English).