Full-Time & A Level Courses

Foundation Studies Skills for Working Life Entry Level 2 Certificate

Entry Level 2

Course code: G45D154
Type: Full Time, A Level & T Level > Full Time
Duration: 1 Year
Subject area: Foundation Studies
Location: Hereford
Additional Costs - £145.00

This charge identified is applicable to learners aged 16-18 who qualify for funding. Learners aged 19+ will have to pay this charge and possibly tuition and exam fees. This will depend on the course and any prior qualifications. For further information, please refer to the fees page of our website https://hlnsc.ac.uk/fees/fees-guidance/

* Fees are chargeable each year and the fees quoted will be for the current year only, if the course is more than 1 year further fees will be due next year.

About the course

As well as learning a variety of useful life skills, including gardening, catering and hospitality, car maintenance, woodwork and horticulture, you will also be involved in a range of wider activities. There are also a variety of trips and visits, plus fundraising activities and opportunities to socialise and take part in games and sports.

This is a general, Entry Level, skills related course which provides you with the opportunity to experience and learn about a variety of occupational areas before progressing into further education or into the workplace. You will be supported in developing your Life skills needed to help prepare you for the world of work or further study, including your English, maths, communication, healthy living and social skills.

What qualification will I gain?

City and Guilds Entry Level 2 Skills for Working Life.

Why choose us

We have industry-qualified tutors with substantial experience in this subject area.

What you could do next

Level 1 Foundation studies such as Vocational Studies, Hospitality & Catering, Construction & Building Services, Computing & IT, and Health & Social Care.

Popular modules

• Cooking skills

• Horticulture

• Painting and decorating

• Plan a journey using public transport

• Woodwork


• Personal finance

• Vehicle maintenance and working safely

Assessment methods

Assessment is though completion of portfolio work and practical observations.

Entry requirements

No formal entry requirements