Full-Time & A Level Courses

Public & Protective Services Level 3

Level 3

Course code: H22D125
Type: Full Time, A Level & T Level > Full Time
Duration: 2 years
Subject area: Public & protective services
Location: Hereford
Additional Costs - £250.00

This charge identified is applicable to learners aged 16-18 who qualify for funding. Learners aged 19+ will have to pay this charge and possibly tuition and exam fees. This will depend on the course and any prior qualifications. For further information, please refer to the fees page of our website https://hlnsc.ac.uk/fees/fees-guidance/

* Fees are chargeable each year and the fees quoted will be for the current year only, if the course is more than 1 year further fees will be due next year.

Level 3 Public Services

About the course

This Level 3 course will prepare you for the mental and physical demands of life in the services. You will benefit from being taught by professionals with years of experience in the uniformed services who still work in close collaboration with the police, fire and ambulance services, and the armed services. With your positive outlook and willingness to step out of your comfort zone, you will take part in a wide range of different activities including radio and communication, climbing, hill walking and fitness drills. The course is assignment based, with one exam in each year. This qualification is the equivalent of up to 168 UCAS Points.

What qualification will I gain?

Level 3 BTEC National Extended Diploma in Uniformed Protective Services

Why choose us

We work closely with the uniformed services to offer the best possible experience to prepare you for life in any of the services you choose. There is a huge variety of practical activities to get involved with that will enhance your career prospects. You will become ambassadors for the College to offer support during Open events that will build upon your practical and policing skills.

What you could do next

Level 3 Extended Diploma in Sport, Public Service Foundation Degree, HNC Public Services, BSc (Hons) in Outdoor Adventure Leadership & Management, or employment in the uniformed public services or armed forces.

Popular modules

  • Prepare for a Career in a Chosen Uniformed Service

  • Develop Aspects of Physical Fitness for Entry to the Uniformed Services

  • Develop Leadership Skills

Assessment methods

Assessments will be via external exams, controlled internal assessment and written assignments

Entry requirements

A minimum of five GSCEs at grade 4, including English and/or maths or successful completion of a relevant Level 2 qualification at merit grade and good progress with English and maths, including attendance at the GCSE exams if applicable.