Understanding Mental Health First Aid and Mental Health Advocacy in the Workplace

Level 2

Course code: H03P143
Type: Distance Learning
Duration: 24 Weeks
Subject area: Distance Learning,Health & Wellbeing
Location: Distance Learning from home

About the course

This online qualification is helpful for anyone wanting to understand mental health first aid and how to care for those with mental ill health in a variety of settings. It’s also valuable for anyone planning a career that requires an understanding of mental ill health and is looking to qualify in this.

The course is suitable but not limited to those who may interact with individuals with mental health issues and support needs in their day-to-day lives, such as those working in the customer service, housing, hospitality, travel and tourism, sport, recreation and voluntary sector.

Studying via Distance Learning means you can choose when and where you study. All of our award-winning, online learning resources are of the highest quality and are designed to be engaging and interactive to keep you focused on your learning at all times.

What qualification will I gain?

L2 Certificate

Why choose us

All of our award-winning, online learning resources are of the highest quality and are designed to be engaging and interactive to keep you focused on your learning at all times.

Popular modules

Unit 1: Exploring mental health

Unit 2: Understand how to support people with mental ill health

Unit 3: Understand a mentally healthy environment

Key facts

This online qualification is helpful for anyone wanting to understand mental health first aid and how to care for those with mental ill health in a variety of settings. It’s also valuable for anyone planning a career that requires an understanding of mental ill health and is looking to qualify in this.

Assessment methods

This course is assesed via written assignments and completing workbooks.

Entry requirements

Learners must be aged 19+ and live in England to qualify for funding.