Understanding Dignity and Safeguarding in Adult Health and Social Care Level 2 Certificate

Level 2

Course code: H03P127
Type: Distance Learning
Subject area: Distance Learning,Health & Social Care,Health & Wellbeing
Location: Distance Learning from home

About the course

In 2015, approximately 125,000 safeguarding risks were reported to the council with Adult Social Service responsibilities. This course will provide you with a thorough understanding of the importance of dignity and safeguarding, which could help reduce these shocking statistics.

This nationally recognised qualification is ideal for anyone hoping to work in the adult health and social care sector. People should enrol on this course if they wish to learn how to identify safeguarding issues and uphold excellent standards of care provision for vulnerable adults.

This course is delivered online. Studying via distance learning means you can choose when and where you study. All of our award-winning, online learning resources are of the highest quality and are designed to be engaging and interactive to keep you focused on your learning at all times.

What qualification will I gain?

Level 2 Certificate

Popular modules

• Unit 1: Understanding safeguarding in adult health and social care

• Unit 2: Principles of dignity in adult health and social care

• Unit 3: Understand duty of care in adult health and social care

• Unit 4: Understand dilemmas and public concerns in adult health and social care

Entry requirements

Learners must be aged 19+ and live in England to qualify for funding.